There are few artists who graced the world through their amazing work and among them; Leonardo Da Vinci is the most influential and intriguing personality in the history of art who changed the world of art by taking it into an entirely new perspective.
Saying him a painter is just a mere introduction about him, instead it is just one side of the great Da Vinci. He is a true genius who makes his name in the areas of painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, geology, astronomy, history and many more.
He is Italian and was born on 15 April 1452 in the village of Anchiano. He started art training at the young age of 14 and astonished his teachers with his art work. His artistic skills are divided into painting and sculpting. He was an artist and intellectual and is known for his masterpieces ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The last Supper’.
The most important painter of the Italian Renaissance
He remained the student of Verrocchio and completed the great masterpiece ‘Baptism of Christ’ alongside him. He contributed a lot in this painting, including the background of the painting. Verrocchio was greatly inspired by the talent of his student and so he declared him master. Later, he received commissions for his art work.
He always dreamed of creating something significant and meaningful with a deep emotional impact on people. His fate brought him to Milan for tenure of 17 years where he used to sketch war machines and worked as an architectural and military advisor.
He is considered as the most important painter of the Italian Renaissance and the two paintings, Mona Lisa and the last Supper, have influenced artists all over the world. Mona Lisa is the most visited as well as the parodied piece of art in the world.
His passion for art and his God gifted skills
With these amazing works, he was given the task by the duke of Milan, who was already inspired by his talent, to make various sculptures including the statue of his father.
During 1482 to 1499, he showed his artistic skills in Milan. It was a good opportunity for the young Da Vinci to improve his painting skills and this is where he painted two significant paintings in the history of art. After returning to Florence, he painted ‘battle of Anghiari’ but has to stop finishing it after two years because of its deterioration.
His passion for art and his God gifted skills are seen in his paintings. Overall, it is difficult to describe him truly as he was a mystery. He was an embodiment of many great talents and qualities and it is difficult to confine them all. He was one of the greatest painters, philosophers, and a very generous man.
He has been inspired many great painters, researchers and scientists. He spent many years completing the documents having his experiments. His art work is greatly an inspiration for the young artists, but still, Da Vinci, one of the great names in the history of art, left majority of his art works unfinished.

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